Sunday, December 23, 2012

Months 7 & 8

WOW!!   Well these past two months have been nothing less than hectic.  We have made numerous trips (in the middle of the night) to Wolfsons Childrens Hospital.   Baby J is doing much better, but it is amazing what a little ones body can go through.  We have not been the luckiest in the escaping of ear infections.  I feel like a syringe is a common staple with the morning and before bed bottle for J.    On top of J being sick, I myself have also been sick with an upper-respiratory infection and ear infections (double on two separate occasions).   

Also as most of you are aware, the storm that many believed that could never happen to the northeast reared its ugly head at the end of October.    With this being said…. “I am staying extremely busy at work!”

Back to J…. and the past two months…..

It seems that in just a few weeks so many things have changed and J has grown with leaps and bounds.  She is repetitavely saying "Mama "mama ma ma mama ma mamamamamamama," waving hello to everyone, crawling like crazy.  
10.20.12- J and I went to the Southern Womens Show with Mrs. Jenn.  We had fun looking around and Mrs. Jenn even bought J her first tutu.   She just looked so adorable in her tutu.   LULU in her TUTU!! Thanks Mrs. Jenn.


10.21.12- J officially sat in a shopping cart by herself and loved grabbing everything within a reach.


Well for Haloween she was an owl.  After searching the internet and I decided to make an owl costume on my own for her.  Thinking that this would be a small chore, I purchased felt and make a pattern of a feather to cut out of the felt.   Many hours later with sore hands (from using the scissors), multiple band-aids and frustration, I completed the owl costume.  Here is a pic of the lil one getting ready for daycare.  

At daycare they had a trunk-or-treat event, so I was able to get off of work early to attend for a few minutes.  One of the parents had decorated their truck with the “100 Acre Wood” Winne the Pooh theme.   We couldn’t pass up a photo opportunity to sit in the 100 acre wood. 

For the evening of Halloween, we went to Baldwin, Florida and trick-or-treated with Bubba & Amber (with KK).  After about 4 houses, J decided that she was hungry, so I was then carrying a 20lbs owl around the streets of Baldwin while she drank her bottle.  She is sooooo nosey that every time we stopped at a house, she would stop drinking her bottle and wait for everyone to come back to the street to continue drinking. 
11.7.12-  Jaydyn loves her some quality time with Grandpa Hendricks.  They like to play peek-a-boo together and somehow I think that this is what they were playing during this photo.

11.11.12- I had to work on Sunday (11.11.12) and while I work I received an email from my dad indictating that they may be having too much fun playing with grandpas bandannas and wigs.  LOL…. This picture is one that we will keep for many years and use it as blackmail if necessary.

 11.11.12-  In addition to J and grandpa wearing wigs, J also turned 7 months old.   She is getting harder to keep still and hates the stickers that go on her onseies.

Week of 11.20.12-  This was an amazing but sad week.  Just the other day I had my step-mother do my hair in the kitchen of my dads house.  This was the first time I have had my hair done since I had Jaydyn and was much needed.  I put off having my hair done because I didn’t want to take Jaydyn into a hair salon, but then a light went off….. Why not have Jeanne do my hair (she did hair for many of years) and then let my dad watch J while this was being done.  So, I had my hair done on Saturday and then had to work on Sunday.  Sunday afternoon I called my dad from work to see how J was doing.  He mentioned the Jeanne had tripped over a stup and that she hit her head pretty hard.  He reassured me that J and Jeanne were fine, so I didn’t think much about it.  That evening when I went to pick up J from my dads house, I noticed that Jeanne wasn’t acting normal and encouraged dad to take her to the hospital to get checked out.  Without going into to much detail, it was a good thing that he listened to me and got her to the hospital ASAP.   Due to the hospital visit her son (Tony) flew down to Jax and stayed with them for a week.  In addition to Tony coming into town, my grandmother was also scheduled to arrive in Jacksonville for the month.  The photos below are pictures of Jaydyn meeting her Great Grandmother Hendricks and her Step-Uncle Tony.

11.21.12- For Thanksgiving I put J in her fall dress and sent her to daycare

11.27.12- While driving to work one morning, J continued to carry on a conversation with herself in the backseat of the car.  While stopping at a stop light I took my iPhone and leaned back to take a picture of the little one in action.  This is what I got…….< What a GOOF!!!!>

At J’s daycare they take school photos annually and I automatically fell in love with all three poses.  Here they are…. And here is my cheese ball!!  She looks so grown up L

12.1.12 - Another set of photos were taken with a different backdrop. 

For those of you who know the Wellborns on a close level you will understand the following photos.  For those who have just started following my blog.... here it goes.  At five weeks old Jaydyns father deployed overseas with the US Navy.  Knowing that this had to be hard for me, I also knew that it was going to be extremely hard for Chad to watch his daughter grow up through FaceTime.  Eventhough Jaydyn doesnt really know/remember her daddy, he is COMING HOME.  While waiting for Chads plane to arrive, we waited in the hanger to get out of the cold weather.  Jaydyn didnt seem to care about anything other than watching the other kids run around like little crazy ones.

 Chad talking to Jaydyn while I was trying to get a picture of both of us together.  Its a shame that he is looking down at J, because I think that this could have possibly been a great photo of us both.
 Chad has just been reunited with his daughter after being away for over 6 months and the first thing he mentions is that her thighs are HUGE! Poor kid...
 While waiting for daddy to get home, Jaydyn decided to use some of the quality time to catch up on some much needed Zzzzzzzzzzz's

When Jaydyn is out, she is OUT!!!
Well until next time, when I get a few minutes to sit down and actually update the blog, the Wellborns would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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