Sunday, July 29, 2012

Weeks 13 & 14

The past two weeks have been hectic for baby J and me. Much to my dismay I had to return back to work after 13 weeks off of work.   The Sunday before retuning back to work we went to Jo-Ann’s Craft Store and found this adorable hat.  It was too big otherwise I would have purchased it.  She doesn’t look too happy wearing it.   7.15.12

Jaydyn has now gone to day care L and doesn’t seem to care that I am not around.  The first day I dropped her off it wasn’t as hard as I figured it would be.  The hardest part was when I went to pick her up from daycare (after 10 hours) and when I walked in… she turned her head away from me.  So… I said “JAYDYN” mommy is here and she still wouldn’t look towards me.  I figured she didn’t hear me so I picked her up and when I went to have her look at me she turned her head away.  I adjusted her body the other way to get her to look at me and she turned her head the other way.  Needless to say, I got her into her car seat and started heading home.  Before we got to the interstate, she was out!!! Mind you the interstate is less than a half mile from the daycare. 

When I got her home, I fed her and put her pajamas on her and she was out again.  It makes me feel good that she was worn out from daycare, but all I wanted to do was cuddle and interact with her.  On day 2 of daycare I went to check on her on my lunch and it appears that she was adjusting quite well to being away from me.

Our morning routing starts early, but the lil one is definitely not a morning person.

The rest of the week went well and she went to grandma and grandpas house on Saturday while I worked.  Being that I had to go to work at 8am, I met my dad and stepmom at Krispy Kreme Donuts for them to take baby J.  My dad meets all of his buddies at Krispy Kreme on Saturday mornings to show off their cars, so this time they had the lil one to show off.  Watching my dad walk across the parking lot with J in the stroller was hilarious.  He was acting like the proud owner of a multi-million-dollar car.

The funny part is that if you know my dad, he is handy at fixing everything.  I called mid-day from work to see how they were doing and J was in the background screaming her head off.  When I asked if everything was alright, Jeanne responded with “well…. she is crying and we aren’t sure exactly why.”   Come to find out it was that she couldn’t get the formula out of the bottle because the nipple was clogged.  I recently started putting rice cereal in her bottles and never had a problem with it getting clogged, but dad fixed that problem.  He whipped out his handy dandy pocket knife and opened up the nipple.   That evening, I picked up the little one from dads and my stepmom had a notepad piece of paper that said everything Jaydyn did for the day and the time that it occurred.   To cute!

The next day I had to go back to my dad’s house to take a timed final exam for my accounting class and once again, dad hollowed out the nipple on the bottle.  Before I left dads house that evening, they gave her another bottle.  This time she had 99% of the formula running down the sides of her mouth.  Dad was feeding her and Jeanne was using the burp cloth to wipe up the spills. They are so fun to watch them interact with her.  Grandpa is starting her off right… Reading her a car magazine while she chills on the couch.

Well it goes without fail, baby J got her first cold.  Tuesday night she began getting congested and kept me up all night.  She had a fever, runny nose and was sneezing non-stop.  We had to sleep upright the whole night.  Look at her pitiful eyes while we were waiting to see the doctor:

They said that it was upper chest congestion and gave her amoxicillin.  It is amazing what modern medicine can do for anyone.  Within 24 hours, she was back to her smiling and laughing self.    She is growing like a weed.

On Saturday she went to spend the day with her Mimi.  She did great there and slept most of the time while she was there.  Thanks Mom!!!

The Olympics has officially started and today when I put her in her walker he feet actually touched the ground.  She sat in the walker and watched about 30 minutes of volleyball. I figured that since she was watching tv she was content so I went into the bedroom and go dressed.  When I came back into the living room, I about had a heart attack.  She was not where I left her!!! She was actually on the other side of the living room.  She is semi-mobile!!

Well it is another week down and many more to come.  Thank you for reading the “Journey of Jaydyn Elizabeth” and I will write more when I can.

Here are a few more random photos from the past two weeks:

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